Basilisk • Basilisk 2025.02.22 Released!
Basilisk 2025.02.22 has been released!This release uses the same UXP platform version as Pale Moon The UXP commit hash is 7f2561312a.Please see the downloads page for more information on how...
View ArticleWeb Compatibility Support •
The page does not display its content. Only the background is visible.The correct page should look like on the attached screenshot.A message is displayed at the bottom of the page"An unhandled error...
View ArticleGeneral Discussion • CloudFlare: summary and status
Since this seems to be an on-going problem at this time, this topic aims to provide a summary and "current status" regarding CloudFlare and its promise they "aren't in the business of claiming any...
View ArticleBasilisk • List of allowed cookies
Is it possible or pertinent to do something like FF's permissions.sqlite so we can allow specific cookiesinstead of denying millions of others?I mean, better than that, to delete all history except...
View ArticleBrowser Support • Donation Trouble
I recently tried to make a donation to PaleMoon by purchasing one of those coins. I had a lot of troubles with paypal not wanting to complete the transaction, but giving no error. I contacted my bank,...
View ArticleWeb Compatibility Support • YouTube comments won't display (when logged in).
Example URL: any video will do for testing.)I can't get the comments section of a YouTube video to load for me. This began some time maybe yesterday.I...
View ArticleBrowser Support • How is high DPI handled in theme CSS
I recently got new 4K monitors and set Windows to 150% scale, i.e. 144 DPI. Pale Moon handles this well, but some of the borders in the browser UI are 2px thick where I want them to be 1px (since it's...
View ArticleGeneral Discussion • User agent status improving usage
Hi guys! I was looking for an user agent switcher and found User agent status addon. Truth be told, it improved a lot the usage on some webs as facebook and reddit and want to share that with all of...
View ArticleWeb Compatibility Support • some tracks not playing ... -your-bodyHello!Some tracks won't play in Pale Moon, but in MS Edge (both Linux).I don't see console errors.Can others confirm this?kind regardsMarco
View ArticleBasilisk • Looking for an Add-on to Modify Timestamps
Could you recommend a simple timestamp modification add-on for the Basilisk browser?I need to hide the timezone of my operating system for certain reasons.Thank you in advance for your reply.
View ArticleBrowser Support • AdGuard fails when using Pale Moon
Since AdGuard released v7.20 a few days ago (followed by 7.20.1 yesterday), I've been seeing ads on both YouTube and Rumble when using Pale Moon. When I switch to Brave browser, ads on those sites are...
View ArticleWeb Compatibility Support • - top menu/navigation bar...
Example: ... reftis-masShould be:Seems to only occur on their articles. Main page for example is ok:
View ArticleGerman (Deutsch) • Update von 33.4.1 (64-bit) auf
Salü zusammen,habe heute frisch das Update geladen und nach Instalation einen Neustart gemacht.Leider startet PM mit dieser Version nicht mehr,ich musste zu 33.4 zurückkehren.Hat jemand eine Idee...
View ArticleBrowser Support • No sound in
Operating system:Linux Fedora 41 ServerBrowser version:33.2.132-bit or 64-bit browser?:64-bitProblem theme (if not default):Installed add-ons:Greasemonkey for Palemoon...
View ArticleGeneral Discussion • The future between Pale Moon and WebExtensions
I spent some time reading this blog post about why Mozilla killed XUL addons, and I do see where they're coming from.[*]very quickly, add-on developers realized that anything they did could break...
View ArticleBrowser Support • Eaglercraft (1.8.8-u50) crashes Pale Moon
When attempting to launch Eaglercraft 1.8.8-u50 Pale Moon freezes for a moment, then crashes. This is on Debian 12 with the official latest ( 64-bit GTK3) build. Unfortunately Eaglercraft can...
View ArticleWeb Compatibility Support • New rendering issues
Hello there and nice to meet all of you here and I just want to say not political or anything but the new of the new admin has some serious css rendering issues which I do not have any...
View ArticleBrowser Development • Add a Private Browsing shortcut during installation?
Yep, as Firefox does. I think it is helpful having a quick way to directly launch the browser in Private mode.I'd also suggest to not throw these shortcuts in "\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start...
View ArticleForum and website • As expected.
As expected, people unhappy with us existing and being mentioned in news articles can't help themselves and attempt to DDoS us in response. Undoubtedly in this case trying to "make a point" that...
View ArticleBrowser Support • Limiting max RAM that Pale Moon can allocate
I recently switched from 32-bit Pale Moon to 64-bit in the hope that the hanging and memory usage from leaky web pages would mitigated by having more memory available.However, I just visited one page*...
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